The spring in Vošteni

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The spring in Vošteni meant a life for the residents for centuries, as one of the rare sources of drinkable water, which never went dry. Today it does not have the same importance, but it is maintained even now as a place of historical life significance.


The legend says that the discovery of the spring could be pinned to – a cow. In the period of the summer drought the cow disappeared without a trace, and after several days of her absence, the residents of the village thought she did not survive. However, the cow came back alive and well and then escaped once again. This time, the residents cunningly followed her and discovered that she is drinking the clear spring water. Since then, the spring became the main meeting place, as well as the setting for the many love stories that started here; sitting on the steps, in the shadows, in a line for the drinking water.


In the time of Austro-Hungarian rule, it was walled up with stone blocks and since then, it is found about ten metres under the surface of the ground. The water accumulates in two stone pools and it is said that it sinks under and enters the sea of the Lim canal.